I have been a bag whore for as long as I can remember. I love them all and I have bought a ton of them. At one time I had the entire Maxpedition line (can we say addiction?). I also seem to carry to much gear but I have slimmed it down to a purposeful day in day out bag that carries what I need.
I always need a bag to carry my crap but also to keep up with it. Having things in my pockets limits me so a sling bag is perfect. I carry it on my strong side so it is close and always handy. Having a bag to hold and add stuff to allows me to roll through life and have all the storage I need to get me through the day.
This is my website of what I am. It's nothing fancy just quit simple and concise.
But then again, aren't all the best things in life simple and concise?
Live to thrive not merely to survive